Thursday, January 29, 2015

Well, I learned something new today, even though it is something I already knew.  Sometimes just showing up is the best part of anything...

I have a student how is in serious legal trouble and my showing up on his behalf meant no am so glad I was able to go...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Hello Landians....I hope Monday was a great day for you!  For me, it was a bit crazy...

I am always reminded at how amazing my students are but also how much work is involved in helping them get to where they need to, well, my students...It was a strong day in terms of production, but herding cats comes to mind...two in and one out...

I took an assessment for my special ed masters last night and did well..I had an interesting debate with my professor about why the answer I provided to the question I got wrong provided some insight into the political ramifications, meaning real life issues, of funding allocation.  What made it even more interesting is my wife receiving a letter to, from her supervisors that completely supported my answer...going to redact it and send it in to my professor....

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy Sunday to all from Johnlandia!

Up early this morning so I can take advantage of the quiet in the house...everyone else is still sleeping.  I have to re-read a chapter and take a quiz for my master's program...funny, after the first one, was not expecting to start a second...but learning has become a passion for me that I hope to pass that along to my students.  They enjoy reading my papers, now if I could just find a way to help them enjoy writing their own...

And Jeff, when you read this, one of my previous professors, please know that I am very grateful for all you did to help me in my last program!  here I am still using what you taught, lol

Back to it for me, have a fantastic day!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday....and let me assure you it was a long week of trials and tribulation in johnlandia this week.  Not exactly sure why, but guessing the addition on a new student into the community had a lot to do with the tension, outbursts and issues. Of course it is always an uphill battle dealing with the kids busybody tendencies, but such is life in an EI room.

So now what? Well, here I sit at my daughter's swim lesson, and honestly, I am blown away be her coach...watching the way she captivates my daughter and engages her is doesn't take a lot from her...she models the movement, explain the technique and interacts with my daughter employing the tactics of formative assessment to finally perfect the desired motion through the water...

Watching someone who is a really good educator is nothing other than breathtaking and inspiring!

Monday, January 19, 2015

So I get this strange feeling I am talking to myself here...good thing I like what I am saying....

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Very interesting perspective, or as it was stated, a guiding principle, on the teacher from Nicholas Hobbs (1966)

"But most of all a teacher-counselor is a decent adult; educated, well trained, able to give and receive affection, to live relaxed, and to be firm; a person with private resources for the nourishment and refreshment of his own life; not an itinerate worker but a professional through and through; a person with a sense of the significance of time, of the usefulness of today, and the promise of tomorrow; a person of hope, quiet confidence, and joy; one who has committed himself to children and to the proposition that children who are emotionally disturbed can be helped by the process of re-education."

Of course this is written in the language of the 60's so not as PC as many would want, or expect, it to be, but it spoke to me.  While working with EI kids can be seen as a calling, it also demands a person who can look past themselves and find a way to help and teach.  

This job found me and it can be tough, demanding and mind-numbing at times.  But it is amazingly refreshing when you see even the slightest change in behavior or the slightest glimpse of what they are capable of or even when one of them hugs you because for him, it was a good day and he had to express that in some way.  Seeing the smile of a child who feels as no as if one ever understands but knows you do, is what makes it worth it...we don't give them "rope" to "hang" themselves, we must give them "rope" to discover who they are and what they are capable of achieving.  Only then will they be able to intrinsically motivate themselves and truly be successful.

Ok, back to reading....break over.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

For those of you who are not familiar with what exactly three day weekends mean for teachers, let me enlighten you...AN EXTRA DAY TO LESSON PLAN...oh yeah!

Friday, January 16, 2015

As we head into the MLK weekend I am somewhat relieved.  It has been a challenging week, a new student was added to my classroom and he can be difficult.  The biggest issue, and main reason he is now with me, is his propensity to wander the halls.  My challenge, whether I choose to accept it or not, was, has been and will continue to be keeping him in the room.  Secondary to that is making sure his impact on the educative environment is minimal, in the negative sense.  He is listening, but I know we are in the honeymoon phase right now...I will be spending many hours this weekend finalizing my lesson plans for him through the next trimester and a, fun, fun, preps 13 and 14!!!!

Still in shock that my other students decided today was a great day to complete make-up work...Friday before a three day weekend and they worked hard!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

So today was VERY interesting....I am really starting to understand how...hmm, searching for the right word...provoking...that is an interesting word for it, being a special education teacher in a self contained room, is...I have a total of 7 students and they each bring speciality to the table, or more specifically the classroom...this blog will be transformed from a class assignment, while I was at Michigan, to an ongoing tale of the adventures of an EI teacher in the magical kingdom of Johnlandia.

I refer to my room as Johnlandia because, well, it is a place where simply put things are done differently and the magic of learning will happen.  I put a lot of emphasis on teaching, especially in today's world of content expectations, but cannot escape the ever looming issues every one of my students is very fair to say that my job is not only challenging, but also amazing.  My kids make it interesting and every day is different, exciting and new...hmm, did I just steal that from the loveboat?

At some point, after my next masters or two, I must go and get a PhD.  After all, if I am going to refer to myself as Dr. J...oh yes, I went there, then I might as well have the fancy title after my name.

Stay tuned for more and exciting new, ruminations and stories....of course we can only hope for lucidity...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Who knew I would ever be on this blog again....I finished the MAC program and honestly forgot this existed....So here I am, teaching and taking a technology course for my job, as a special education teacher, and here we are...shazam....back on blogger!!!!

Let the world beware.....