Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Future of Education

Where is the future of technology headed?  I am not really sure is my answer.  When listening to the webcast tonight of the future of education it was interesting.  It appears the overall belief is technology is the future and the enabling of the networks that allow each individual what kind of society that person is less about the discourse and more about the connection into the discourse according to Stephen Downes.  So what becomes more important?  The learner learning what they want or what they should learn can be a key component.  Technology is not just a tool it is can actually is part of the thinking process: How we interact, why we interact and so forth.  

I think a big issue with technology is the danger of isolation.  Learning is a collaborative effort.  The building of ideas and concepts can be achieved more readily if many minds are working together.  I am reminded of the movie, The Net.  The lead character, Sandra Bullock, works on computers and no one knows her because she never really leaves the house.  She intercepts something, a code, and is marked for murder.  The movie then becomes the story of her attempts to reclaim her life that is stolen by the people who are trying to kill her.  Since no one knew her and she has no identification, hers was changed in the digital world; she cannot prove who she is.  She collaborates with other online, but in the end, she has no friends or people who know her.  So where am I going with this is probably the question you are all asking...well, hopefully at least one person will read on, lol.  Technology can be a powerful teaching tool, but it needs to be tempered with humanity.  I can use a power point presentation but do my students know what I am trying to say?  Yes, there are words but what do they actually mean?

I taught the 1st Amendment the other day and was surprised where the conversation headed.  The students became tangential but still on topic.  They wanted to discuss many different aspect of the 1st Amendment yet we did stay on message because I kept us there.  If we were just relying on technology to teach there would have been a basic understanding but 39 different ideas of how to get there.  Perhaps the basic understanding is good, but I had to ask question to make sure my students were not losing sight of that basic understanding.  Yes, the 1st Amendment is about freedom, but at the same time, it is very important to understand it is actually the basis that all other freedoms come from.

So how did technology help me?  It did not teach the lesson but it was most assuredly part of the lesson.  My power point was shown on the smart board and the CNN student news beamed from the Internet.  Most definitely, technology is a tool in this case.

Those who have read my blogs before know I think technology is the wave of the future...and I believe it will be instrumental in educating our students going forward.  Heck, I started with pad and pencil in my Master's program and now just carry my computer around.  However, we need to be cognizant of the human element as well.  The balance between the two is where I think education is headed in the future.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Last day of Summer Class in MAC...

What an interesting class today.  I am not sure what I was expecting, but meeting previous MACers was well, very enlightening.  Listening to their “real world” perspectives about smart boards, Ipads, laptops and anything else that was electric and computed, how they were paid for and how they were used…who had them and who wanted them…very interesting!  Having children who are in school in A2 I see the influence of technology and thought it was odd to hear not every school had the same access…I was not surprised, just thought it was odd.

What I found personally intriguing was the discussion of cell phones and their use in the classroom as an educational tool.  I guess I never really thought about how you could use a smartphone in the class as a way to augment learning.  It gives the students a way to use a piece of technology as a learning tool…what a great concept…My oldest is probably going to be happy because now I actually want him to get one, something I did not want before btw…

But using the phone as a way to increase learning is amazing…especially in my discipline, social studies, more specifically history, or econ, or geography, or politic science.  I have always been a big believer in not memorizing the dates but focusing more on the era and what was significant about that period of time.  After all, you can just look dates up, so using the smart phone, as a way to facilitate this just seems natural.  Suppose an idea is discussed and you, the teacher, are not really sure of something, giving the students the opportunity to help and be part of the learning process seems like a brilliant idea to me!  I think it also allows the student to see the process of discovering the answers of what you do not know.  I believe it is empowering to show you do not know everything, and are not afraid to show that, but also to let people take charge in their life.  Here is “how you find the answer” should always replace “here is the answer.”  What happens when the person, giving the answer, is not around anymore? 

The old adage, give a man a fish and he will eat for a day but teach the man how to fish and he will eat forever just popped into my head…

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Uh-Ho Bloomberg is at it again...
First he doesn't want people to drink to big a size of soda but now, no feeding babies formula, only breast milk...what do you think?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Diigo, Evernote, Dropbox and Skype...oh my...

Today I learned some interesting new online technologies.  We were split into groups of four and each one of us was given the opportunity to teach our group members about a specific technology we could use ourselves or in the classrooms.  I was tasked with teaching Skype.  I was amazed with the countless ways I can use Skype in the classroom.  I had a lot of fun putting together my presentation and thought I would share it here…

tep 1tep 2tep 3tep 4

Step 1:  Click “Save File” to save the Skype Setup Application.

Step 2:  Click the Skype file in the Downloads window.

Step 3:  Drag the Skype icon into the image of your Applications folder.

Step 4:  Open Skype and sign in with your Skype Name and password.

Skype-What it is…

Skype is an over the Internet voice protocol service and software application created in 2003 by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis.  Microsoft purchased, and engulfed, Skype in 2011.  Using the Internet, Skype allows for communication of users via voice, video and instant messaging.  Additionally, Skype allows users to make phone call over the Internet as well.  Calls between Skype users are free, but call made to land lines and mobile phones but are charged using a debit-based user account platform.

Skype and Education

The educational uses of Skype appear to be without limit.  Spending just a little time in Skypedominion you quickly find it is a digital wonderland.  The potential of this Internet technology in the classroom is only hampered by the imagination of those using it.  Skype is an exciting communication tool that when properly capitalized upon will be fruitful to not only teachers but students as well.  The Internet has become a dominant force in the world for finding, using and sharing information.  The walls of the traditional classroom have been torn down and the world, and its wonders, has replaced the barricades of imagination.  Young students at Allen Elementary “met” several times via Skype to share information with Japanese elementary students about what their school, and life, is like. This wonderful experience allowed the children to talk with one another from half way around the world, all from the confines of their classroom.  And yes, Dad moment, that is my daughter!

But wait, there is more, so much more…what is it you ask?  Well, let’s see where the search for information takes us…hopping on the magical mouse we see...

The classroom is a place of learning, and what better way to learn than by using what the entire world has to offer as your guide!!!  Expanding the horizons of your students imaginations can help motivate them into learningone small click by the teacher, one huge step for the students…

This FREE service, oh yes, I said it, FREE!!  Turns the traditional learning room into infinite epicenter of learning.  As we saw earlier, learning about Japan, who better to learn about it from than Japanese students who are learning about the United States…Want to know what it is like to survive in some of the coldest parts of the world… OR visit any other country if the world? Make new friends or learn about what it is like in places your students have never gone…as Skype proclaims, CONNECT YOUR CLASSROOM TO THE WORLD perhaps you want to know what it is like to be a Forrest Ranger    OR, you want your students to converse with Native Spanish speaking students… OR you are looking for some clubs, other experiences, ideas about food, how to become and entrepreneur, it’s ALL THERE,

And many, many more  you have yet to discover!!!        How about at least 50 more mays to use Skype in the classroom.… But, just in case that is not enough, here are some more ways to use Skype in the classroom... SO OPEN YOUR CLASSROOM UP TO THE WORLD, WHERE LEARNING IS ONLY LIMITED BY IMAGINATION!

 I have been a bit overwhelmed by the other applications I learned about today, but it was interesting learning about them.  Out of the other three I learned, Diigo seems to be the one I am most interested in, but we shall see.  Of note, I will reserve my opinions until I get to know these applications better…Evernote and Dropbox seem to be more about information storage and use online which is something I am not overly excited me, but if they are being used then at some point, I will need to know how to use them. 
 But as class showed us today, even technology is not infallible, and many times the answer is difficult to find.  Technology is a wonderful tool and should never be discounted, but even the best technology can still not be perfect.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just a little Weebly here...

Class on Friday was interesting…first of all, thank you to Jeff and Kristin, if it is not said enough, our first, and only, class of the day starting at 10am, brilliant!!  Only thing that could have made it better would have been snacks…just saying…

Now on to the meat, and perhaps some potatoes…I am really enjoying learning new technologies, however, I wish I knew the old ones better so I was not constantly playing catch-up.  A very special thanks to the ladies that were, well let’s just say fortunate enough, or perhaps I was fortunate enough, to sit by me, Musetta, Alyssa, Chelsea and Colleen…not sure I would have made it out of class if it had not been for all of your understanding!

So, now I am creating my online persona and making my presence know…uh-oh world, lookout, here I come, lol…but first, I need to learn how to use my new computer…the lovely women sitting by you will not always be there to help you out…a very special thanks to Musetta for putting up with me and ALL my questions…I am not sure, but I think there was some eye rolling, and yes, I deserved it.

Note to self, first thing, make sure all programs needed are uploaded and installed so you can actually start working on time.  Don’t be afraid of the computer, it will not bite you…maybe give you the occasional electric shock, but at least no biting.  Once you have that done, learn how to type…hmm…so those high school typing classes were actually important, ah, high school, oops wait, I digress…or was that daydreaming…hmmm. Oh well, just get back to work.

I have always found it interesting how people use websites.  I even paid a whole lot of money to have one developed for a project I am still working on, when in reality, I could have done it myself with the tools that are available.  It is a bit daunting, love that word, for some reason, it makes me think of the Three Musketeers, but Kristin did a very good job of demystifying the process…in the end, it really is just that easy!

Then I started thinking about two things, first, what it means for me and second, how I may be able to use it in a class I am teaching.  For me, and isn’t it all just about me…(Rob, be quiet)…but seriously, organizing your self online is important, especially moving forward and eventually becoming a teacher.  I as a parent am always interested in who the teachers are that are teaching my kids.   What a great resource for me to have a portfolio that I can access with information about the person(s) who are working with my children.  Samples of their work and ideas about what is important to them…if nothing else, it may help put me at ease, which in turn will help put my child at ease.  But how it can help me is very interesting.   Having a portfolio of my work, my plans and ideas and a source of information about who I am as a teacher will be of great value.  My potential employers will have easy access to my work, computer savvy, and even have a more defined idea if I am someone they would like to work for them.  I am very excited about the possibilities for me as both a parent and perspective teacher.

Of even greater interest to me are the possibilities of these applications when working with my students.  Creating an online portfolio for their work can be beneficial in a few ways.  First, and foremost, is the ability to turn assignments in via the Internet, exactly the way we do it right now here in our program.  I am sure grading work; black and white, which is poorly copied, is tedious at best.  However, full color, perhaps movie like presentations, movies on their own, would make life much easier…not to mention prettier.  Secondly, having an online resource for the students to point to share their work with whomever they wish.  Writing, art or other projects easily accessible whenever an interested party wishes to access them.  Thirdly, Students’ learning a new medium is always a great thing.  In the world today, computers are becoming the way of life.  The Internet the main source of communication across the spectrum, whether it be voice, scribing or just sharing in general.  Students working in the medium to learn, and becoming more comfortable, with help give them a leg up moving forward in their personal and professional lives.

But back to me…you know since it really is all about me, oh yeah, I said it…spending time learning my way around the internet, and all of it’s applications and possibilities, is an exciting thought…who knows at some point, I may even catch up to my kids…well, at least my students…hmm…what does that command key do….oops

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Zelda Who...

Interestingly enough, I have two takes here.  First when I was younger, I saw the original game, PONG…not sure what could be said except we spent hours in front of the screen watching the square ball go back and forth.  The paddle would get smaller and the ball would get faster and the fun would get…well great!

But then new games came into being and the graphics became better and scenarios came form no where…It was easy to get lost in them and we had a lot of fun…I am not really sure what learning there was, but I guess strategy was needed to help Pac man get those dots and eat the ghosts.  Hours were spent at the local 7-11 or Highs, or even at the mall and a lot of quarters were spent.  I do remember going it was always with friends…we would laugh together and celebrate together but in the end, it was fun. 

I grew up watching the games change, get better and even more life like.  The paddles have changed and the consoles have definitely gotten better.  But the main purpose is the same, time spent playing.  When I was first in college, a friend and I spent many out of class hours playing hockey and laughing out loud.  I still have memories of me and a bunch of friends gathered around Galaga at 7-11 with the quarters stacked high!!!

Once I had children, I still played games, but they began to change…Now for me it was the strategy games that pulled me in.  Have you ever played Sid Meyer’s Civilization…if not, Civ II is the best.

But suddenly my boys started to play and we had so much fun.  We spent a lot of hours together and I was never beaten.  However, as the games became more intricate the boys kept asking me to read what was being said.  At first, it did not bother me much, but then it started to get laborious.  About this time, my first was starting to read and I kept telling him how great he would love it if he could read everything that was being said.  At first he struggled, but then he started reading more and more, then even some more.  I actually would start to ask him to read to me what was being said.  I was really surprised how quickly he picked it up and soon I never needed to read anymore for him.

As my second and third start to read the same thing was happening.  They wanted to know what the information said on the screen.  I told them once they learned to read it would be easy.  As time moved the same success happened with them as well.  Now I am not saying they only learned to read because of video games, but I do think it helped.  They found a reason to read and it motivated them to learn.

Epic Win!

Monday, July 16, 2012

To Pod or not to Pod...

I must admit, our last class was a bit intimidating. All of these new things I can do with my computer and me, well, a child of the 70s...But none the less, I had an assignment and I had to do it! It was interesting to speak about the power of pod casting...what a novel idea, first you record something, in my case, ugh, silly, and then you play around with the mood music a little higher and a little lower, put it all together and there you have it...I am a published recording star...well, at least in my own mind! It was intimidating because I had never done it before, never even knew what it was, but what I did know was I had to wait for the magic stick before I could get it posted to the wiki site...I am soooo glad everyone waited until they had the magic stick so I did not have to try, ahem, 4 times to finally get mine posted! Of course, waiting for my fourth turn did get me a prize, a beautiful purple highlighter...Ah, my highlighted text has never looked so good!

I see so many possibilities with this new teaching device. Speaking with my new broadcasting partner, um, nope, she dumped me, lol, but what a great idea, pretending you are FDR and having a fireside chat...yes Rose, you bet I so stole, ahem, appropriated that idea...or perhaps another famous historical figure sharing some of his or her thoughts for the students to peruse at their convenience...maybe a way for students to respond to a question that is posed to them by an over sleepy teacher who is up way past his bedtime but has a brilliant question for them. We all know the best questions always are thought of at the most inopportune times.

Ah, it just boggles the mind what one can come up with when there are so many new and wonderful opportunities to teach in a brave new fashion.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Here Today Tech Tomorrow...

So I have been perusing the class blogs and have found it interesting that the younger students, you know, the less older ones, seem to be quite resistant to technology in the classrooms.  Some have embraced it; other are wary of it, and many, well, don’t want it.  The idea that the mature student, and by that I mean old guy, is actually excited about the possibilities seems to me to be a bit ironic.  Old, never had and should be hesitant, wants while young grew up with is actually hesitant…but who knows, perhaps I am wrong.  However, at the very least it fascinates me.

There is not going to be a choice in the matter, technology is here to stay…the choice has been made and now we are dealing with the consequences, whether they are good or bad, right or wrong.  I got a kick out of the class when we were asked what a carriage was, as in a typewriter carriage and most everyone just looked at each other, a couple of us chuckled.  Wasn’t it fun when were younger using the typewriter and having to start over because it did not make enough sense or you made too many mistakes?  I so remember typing copy after copy and at some point having to replace the ribbon, yup, that was fun, ink everywhere…heaven forbid if you were a bad speller.

Now you write a paper, check it over, run the spelling and grammar check then spice it ups with different formats and add some color and pizzazz.  Want to change things around because it is just not right, no problem, cut and paste.  Finally, hit the print button and there you go... report extraordinaire.  Oh, did I mention, you needed some information, no running to the library you hope someone else is not using the copy of the encyclopedia you need, that could be trouble.  So what next, oh yeah, I forgot all the information was out of date because it was published next last year.  But what the heck, the volume was there and it had one picture for you to look at…now, what other source should I use?  I may take hours to get all the information together and take the notes, but we are on our way…good thing this paper is not due for four weeks.

Now I look at my children, they surf the net and find out what they need at the touch of a key.  Well, not only what they need but thousands of extra tidbits of information all at their fingertips in the blink of an eye…and not only that, but how many pictures do you want and from what angle, in color or out of color, wow, they can import the picture right into their report and make it fit perfectly.  No guessing and moving, perhaps some creative scissoring…it was fun but the tape never looked very good and glue made the paper wrinkle.

My kids watch TV and play video games, and by video games, I mean interactive movies…I played pong…four hours, totally engrossed and marveling at how amazing this game was.  Good thing pong was only two colors, because our TVs only showed two colors, black and white.  To this day, I still vividly remember hearing “the eagle has landed” and “one small step for man” while gathered around  the 10”screen with the rest of my family…then came on the test pattern because there was no more programming.  My kids watch TV on the 55”flat screed HD full color TV in the family room, play games on the 42” flat screen in the front room or watch TV on the big TV in the basement.  You are probably wondering what a test pattern is…um, basically, nothing on TV is what it was…now, there is really no need as we have 10,000 channels all will nothing on, but at least “on” all the time.

Our car back then had no air and when the radio actually picked something up it was muffled and usually only played out of the speaker in the front seat area by the radio itself…well, until you bout new speakers and added them, running the wires yourself, of course, that assumed your car even came with a radio.  Now not only does your car talk, the air blasts and cools you down.  The radio has a touch screen and gives you directions on where to go…and so the kids don’t get bored, your own private movie theater.  Perhaps each child wants to watch their own movie, so we have IPads, ITouches and just about any other IThing you can come up with.  In my day, it was called an Ibook, naw, just joking, it was just called a book and you probably borrowed it from the library.

Now don’t get me wrong I am not complaining about this either way but I remember watching Star Trek and wanting a communicator.  I even put together a model of one and carried it around; I was so very cool…the only problem with the one back then is it did not work.  Today, I have a smart phone, and yes, smarter than me, it outsmarts me every day, damn that phone.  But it took me a while to switch over from my flip phone/communication; I still have that first phone and love it, lol

I have not one but two laptop computers and there are four of them in our house.  We have two desk tops but the coolest thing of all is the IPad, are you kidding me, all I need is my phaser!  Yes, I am a Trekki!!!!  “Damnit Jim, I am a doctor, not a stone mason” Wow, what an amazing world we live in today!

So what is the point of my rambling, certainly not the eloquence of language I am not using but my belief that technology is here to stay, and honestly has made itself quite at home…have you ever seen a Day of Glass, if not, watch it!

Our classrooms have been transformed into the sky is the limit.  Imagination, understanding and whatever else you can come up with are but a double tap or a few key stokes away.  Now learning has moved out of the four walls that trapped it before and has made its place in the world.  What happened has turned into how do I fit into the world?  Where do I fit into the world?  And in reality what does the world look like?  Not sure, get online and let your imagination be your guide.  You are only controlled by what you do not know…yet!  Captain Kirk when asked where to go, point out and said, "that-a-way".  But in reality it could have been anyway.  That is what technology has given us.  The only thing restraining us is us not knowing where to look.

So what could be wrong with all of that you ask?  Well, my son dates his girl friend through texting and innocuous facebook postings…”what are you doing” he says, she answers, “I don’t know, what are you doing”  Really, how about let’s go out and rollerblade or better yet go see a movie, maybe even get something to eat and talk.  Will his first kiss be on app between the two?  Is it actually a kiss if their lips don’t touch or is the intention of it being a kiss where we are headed?  Will holding hands be linking up cell phones?  And speaking of movies...will they watch the movie from their separate homes and then talk about how funny or sad or scary it was, through texts?  WOW, that is no fun.  Where will the shyness be when you first want to hold her hand…technology can be so impersonal sometimes…

So will classes go online, you never have to leave you home, you can learn in the PJs…wasn’t there a commercial about that on TV?  I took some online classes for pre reqs and they were fine, but I tell you political philosophy with no one to talk with, debate or just share ideas…man that was tough…70 papers and not enough feedback…who wants to argue/spar or debate with me, please!!!!!

The trick is combining the joy of the ragged page of the textbook and smiling when on of the kid’s points out the information is actually wrong, according to what they found on the internet.  Then including, pods, blogs, wiki’s, twitters, posts, emails, movies, videos, music, tweets, voicemails and whatever else technology gives us now and what it will provide to us later.  It is a brave new world we are heading into but we need to remember where we came from to help us get to where we are going.  As some of my classmates found out the other day when the power went out, sometimes technology has it’s limitations.  I had my paper copies I printed off the website for class.  Technology is great and is moving us forward but is still grounded in the technlogyless past.  Melding the two together is the trick…

I keep seeing the pushback but in the back of my mind I see technology smugly smiling and saying, “I’ll be back…”

Friday, June 29, 2012

June 29, 2012

Today's 504 class was interesting. Of particular note was the discussion of limiting the size of soda a person is allowed to have when they are at a restaurant. Now I must admit, I do not drink a lot of soda myself, but that is my personal choice. Never would I tell another person to drink less soda than they wished to consume. Unless of course, you are one of my children...and if that is the case, I make all the rules! They have limits that I have chosen to enforce as their parent. We do not keep it in the house for the most part and when I am out with them, they are only allowed a limited supply, so they need to plan when they drink the soda. In addition, on the rare times we go to a fast-food restaurant, we prefer slow food, we DO NOT order the large size know, the one's that give more fries and larger drinks...But that is MY CHOICE as their parent. Perhaps mandating parents become better parents would be a better law...yes, sarcasm

One of my classmates indicated this was a public health issue and I respectively disagreed...explain no helmets for motorcyclist, or no ban on smoking, or the continued use of alcohol. How about spending time in the sun without 70 sun block, perhaps banning trips to the beach so we keep people from too much exposure to the sun? At what point is a person freedom to choose what they wish to purchase their own choice and not what another person, or a group of others, deems to be acceptable.

For the record, I am not a supported of Mr. Paul, but this is on target!

Yes, we are a society and the society is made up of a bunch of individuals who have been willing to give some of their personal liberties away for the good of all...but seriously you can not have an XL soda but only a large, or in this case as many larges as you want. It would be interesting to see if this will actually lead to more consumption of soda. A smaller cup being refilled a couple of times rather than one large portion. Then add tot he fact, diet sodas, well, you can have any size you want of last thought there is "DIET" is "DIE" with a "T" on the end.

It really scares me how easily people/citizens so easily give up their personal freedoms without question. Their answer that it is for the greater good is shocking to me. At some point, the greater good will go against every individual so how is that good?

So how would I use this subject in the classroom to teach a lesson is in fact our lesson?

I love dialog, and introducing an issue like this to a group would definitely get the dialog moving. Our class was the perfect example. We even needed a break from our lesson to just discuss the issue, which is what I love to do, talk. But I think a good context for this lesson would be how this particular law would affect the personal liberties of individual citizens.

A good place to start would be asking the students to outline what they thought personal liberty meant. In other words, come up with a definition for it and then list characteristics of personal liberty. After doing this individually, a group consensus of the definition and characteristics would be outlined. After consensus, introduce the topic of the soda cupsize law tot he students. For this part of the exercise, I would have the students write down what their personal ideas were. Once we moved to the consensus part of the activity I would use an overhead to collect the ideas of the group. A prepared overhead with the topic question would then be presented.

At this point, I would step back and ask the students to pick a moderator and recorder for the entire class. I would set the expectation the moderator was to not offer opinions but facilitate the conversation, who went next and such. The recorder, which I would have using the front board, would only record the ideas presented.

With about 10 minutes of class left, I would step back in and touch on my arcing question of what does personal liberties mean, using an overhead and listing the answers and comparing them to what the soda cup size law in fact does.

Then for homework...have them drink soda, since soon it will not exist any more because Big Brother has decided so...