Sunday, July 22, 2012

Just a little Weebly here...

Class on Friday was interesting…first of all, thank you to Jeff and Kristin, if it is not said enough, our first, and only, class of the day starting at 10am, brilliant!!  Only thing that could have made it better would have been snacks…just saying…

Now on to the meat, and perhaps some potatoes…I am really enjoying learning new technologies, however, I wish I knew the old ones better so I was not constantly playing catch-up.  A very special thanks to the ladies that were, well let’s just say fortunate enough, or perhaps I was fortunate enough, to sit by me, Musetta, Alyssa, Chelsea and Colleen…not sure I would have made it out of class if it had not been for all of your understanding!

So, now I am creating my online persona and making my presence know…uh-oh world, lookout, here I come, lol…but first, I need to learn how to use my new computer…the lovely women sitting by you will not always be there to help you out…a very special thanks to Musetta for putting up with me and ALL my questions…I am not sure, but I think there was some eye rolling, and yes, I deserved it.

Note to self, first thing, make sure all programs needed are uploaded and installed so you can actually start working on time.  Don’t be afraid of the computer, it will not bite you…maybe give you the occasional electric shock, but at least no biting.  Once you have that done, learn how to type…hmm…so those high school typing classes were actually important, ah, high school, oops wait, I digress…or was that daydreaming…hmmm. Oh well, just get back to work.

I have always found it interesting how people use websites.  I even paid a whole lot of money to have one developed for a project I am still working on, when in reality, I could have done it myself with the tools that are available.  It is a bit daunting, love that word, for some reason, it makes me think of the Three Musketeers, but Kristin did a very good job of demystifying the process…in the end, it really is just that easy!

Then I started thinking about two things, first, what it means for me and second, how I may be able to use it in a class I am teaching.  For me, and isn’t it all just about me…(Rob, be quiet)…but seriously, organizing your self online is important, especially moving forward and eventually becoming a teacher.  I as a parent am always interested in who the teachers are that are teaching my kids.   What a great resource for me to have a portfolio that I can access with information about the person(s) who are working with my children.  Samples of their work and ideas about what is important to them…if nothing else, it may help put me at ease, which in turn will help put my child at ease.  But how it can help me is very interesting.   Having a portfolio of my work, my plans and ideas and a source of information about who I am as a teacher will be of great value.  My potential employers will have easy access to my work, computer savvy, and even have a more defined idea if I am someone they would like to work for them.  I am very excited about the possibilities for me as both a parent and perspective teacher.

Of even greater interest to me are the possibilities of these applications when working with my students.  Creating an online portfolio for their work can be beneficial in a few ways.  First, and foremost, is the ability to turn assignments in via the Internet, exactly the way we do it right now here in our program.  I am sure grading work; black and white, which is poorly copied, is tedious at best.  However, full color, perhaps movie like presentations, movies on their own, would make life much easier…not to mention prettier.  Secondly, having an online resource for the students to point to share their work with whomever they wish.  Writing, art or other projects easily accessible whenever an interested party wishes to access them.  Thirdly, Students’ learning a new medium is always a great thing.  In the world today, computers are becoming the way of life.  The Internet the main source of communication across the spectrum, whether it be voice, scribing or just sharing in general.  Students working in the medium to learn, and becoming more comfortable, with help give them a leg up moving forward in their personal and professional lives.

But back to me…you know since it really is all about me, oh yeah, I said it…spending time learning my way around the internet, and all of it’s applications and possibilities, is an exciting thought…who knows at some point, I may even catch up to my kids…well, at least my students…hmm…what does that command key do….oops


  1. I just want to start off and say I'm glad that I was able to help you out Friday! I appreciate the shout-out. :)

    I think it's pretty awesome that even though you had a hard time in class learning how to use Weebly you're still really positive about it and the potential benefits. I love the positive attitude. I agree with you that an online portfolio can be useful. How much do you think the appearance of your portfolio would influence a principal's opinion of you before meeting you? Do you think they usually care about content, or about how it looks? Just curious because I was thinking about this a lot over the weekend.

    I also thought there were a lot of possibilities when bringing online portfolios into the classroom. One thing that bugged me, though, was the potential to make students uncomfortable about their work being displayed for anyone (especially their peers) to see. Would you try to address this? How? Or do you think that students should simply get over that fear?

    1. I think it is always good to have something that helps set you apart from others. In schools, learning is paramount and doing the newest and best thing, showing what you can do, or simply saying I am here, can be a powerful asset. Lots of resumes will come across the principal's desk and if you include and online profile as well, maybe it sets you apart and maybe it doesn't. But don't you want to work for someone that values what you can do and that you are putting yourself out there?

      It is always tough when it comes to presenting information...I am sure we can all point to some time in our lives when we were not happy about having to do that. But it is part of life! In the business world, you are constantly showing your work, and if it is not up to par, in man cases you are looking for a new job. It is a valuable life lesson to understand your work is out there and people are going to be looking at it...does your best.

      I think I related the story of when I was in art school and we were constantly having to show our portfolios...ugh, I hated that...isn't the point of art what it is I see and not really what you see? After all, I am the one creating...but let me tell you, they were relentless...Life is a cold hard place and anything we can do to help our students get prepared for that, in a safe place, is good in my book!

  2. Yes, online portfolios are going to be tremendous assets once we set foot into the real world. For future employers, students and parents, it will be great to have the opportunity to know more about me. Yet and still, old fogey that I am, I lament the loss of control that seems to go hand in hand with technology.

    Issues of control and over-exposure constantly nibble at the edges of my amazement over how easy technology can make things. A resume or cv offers much less opportunity for evaluation that a web portfolio and I don't know that this is entirely a good thing. How far can one get with a great looking page, with all the commisurate bells and whistles? How does a plain old-fashioned piece of paper ever compete? In other words, how much does being tech-savvy enough to create a web presence have to do with being a good teacher? The answer is nothing at all. Yet they tell us (and probably rightfully so) that these portfolios will give us a leg up on our competition. So I continue to tag along and dutifully soak up all the tech I can and hope for the best. Still, I haven't marketed myself this much since my teens and parts of this still make me uncomfortable.


    1. I think the real point of this is our students are tech savvy and for them, technology is just a part of life. And yes, an old fogey as well, is new. For my children there have always been desktop and laptop computers in the house. The car has always spoken to them and cell phones are just a way of life. FB is like the phone and texting has replaced face-to-face talking.

      I do not think it is more about us having to use the new technologies as it is that in order to teach our students we need to understand what the world looks like to them. They have to check their FB and their texts; they are always checking their phones. We are about to cancel out landline and get a cell phone for my 9-year-old daughter…wow!

      What worries me the most is the lost privacy. There is no real way to hide in this world anymore...have you ever googled your name…Scary!

  3. So with all these organizing activities, I can foresee the day when high school students no longer do any work on paper. Obviously we do this in the SecMAC program, because we are all "capable" technology users....but will this work its way down to the high school level?

    The major dilemma, of course, is accessibility. But for now let's assume we have that licked.

    As a parent (you, not me) I would be interested in your opinion of the elimination of paper work in the classroom. Good or bad? (Probably both). Would you be inclined to pay more attention to your child's work if everything was online? Or less?

    1. Well Ryan, I may have a take that is different than what you think. I like paper, always have and always will. I am one of the few, if not the only one, that still takes notes with paper and pencil...However, I think there is room for both. I have some wonderful art from my children, many which are framed and hanging in my with out doubt, PAPER!! But there are many projects and assignments that are done completely on the computer, only to be printed and turned in the teacher. Do we really need those paper copies!?!

      For the classroom, I think the computer is a great way to go...however, there just are not enough resources to make sure all students have them...using the resources as best as you can then becomes the priority. Computers make the work easier when you are writing reports and doing projects but sometimes good old paper and pencil are the best way to go...
